When one ventures out of the 8-bit processor universe, memory alignment is something that is expected to be taken care of for various reasons explained in the below article. Generating Aligned Memory
Read MorePushing data from esp8266/nodeMCU to MySQL
Posted by ioteditor on June 8, 2022https://iotechprojects.com/sending-data-from-the-esp8266-to-mysql-directly/ Usually, we use some sort of queuing mechanism to connect two devices or processes where the reliability/availability of either end isn’t guaranteed. However, if you have a reliable connection between two devices, the queues can be skipped. The above article does exactly that. It explains how an esp8266 based board can connect to a…
Read MoreIntel MCS-51(8032/8052) family and PWM
Posted by ioteditor on August 10, 2021I remember looking at the Intel MCS-96 datasheets in the 1990s and admiring the fact that the more expensive 16-bit controller family had the HSO/HSI (High speed output/input) capability.
Read MoreMQTT 101
Posted by ioteditor on February 7, 2020So, you have heard a lot about how the lightweight messaging protocol MQTT is great for IOT applications. Here is a great introduction to MQTT by Node-Red.
Read MoreA first class comparison of different Microcontrollers under $1
Posted by ioteditor on April 1, 2018Jay Carlson has written an amazing comparison of different low-cost Microcontroller ecosystems that is extremely useful for anyone looking for a quick, brief and accurate account. Highly recommended ! The Amazing $1 Microcontroller
Read More2017 from the IoT perspective
Posted by ioteditor on December 14, 2017The Internet of Things has seen a lot of changes and improvements in all areas, including but not limited to products, technologies and tools. According to the editor, the most important merger of the year was Atmel’s acquisition by Microchip Technology. This will have far-reaching effects on what kind of devices will be found on…
Read MorePublish / Subscribe explained in 5 Minutes
Posted by ioteditor on May 30, 2016EDIT: In case you are wondering where this video has gone, please click here to visit our new blog post about the topic. The PubNub CTO Stephen and one of their senior developers Tomomi recently released a very useful video that I thought would be worth sharing with guys interested in understanding how the Publish/Subscribe…
Read MoreResin.IO – Mass Device code deploys done right
Posted by ioteditor on March 28, 2016I am evaluating Resin.IO with my new RaspberryPI 2 and the results are fantastic for the simplified process. This is how it works. resin.io from Resin.io Team on Vimeo. So, from a device admin’s perspective, all you need to do is to burn a customized image to an SD card, boot the device off it…
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